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Posts Tagged ‘medicare

Dealing with AARP

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I get the most hilarious emails from my friend, a critical care nurse and health care advocate.

She riles up the Administration as much as the rest of us and her latest crusade is the idiots at AARP and their commercial for supplemental insurance. She keeps asking why they are endorsing the Pelosi-KamaKazi Health Care bill, when it will undermine the care that seniors get, necessecarily require rationing, denying care, and increasing expenses and taxes for all of us? As the medicare beneit payments are cut and various procedures are disallowed due to age, AARP will be standing to sell supplemental policies to seniors. They already do this but they evidently perceive that they stand to make more money if marxist medicine is rammed down our throats. (how much are these tools spending on advertising, anyway?)

So, here is the project du jour:  Call their toll free # for supplemental insurance: the number is 800-258-0395                   

When someone answers, they will ask you for your zip code so they can start your ‘application’ you tell them they don’t ‘need’ your zip code but rather what you think of AARP, what you think of the health care bill, why are they trying to jam socialist medicine down our throats? of the Health Care bill they are trying to ram down our throats. Also that thinking Americans recognize what AARP is about and why and how they endorsed this bill in the first place and how we would never forget.

Let’s have fun with these people. While they spend thousands or millions to advertise on television, let’s tie up their toll free lines, annoying the folks on the other end. Imagine if they started getting hundreds or thousands of calls every day, complaining about their endorsement of this rotten health care bill?  Be ASSERTIVE but POLITE. please don’t be rude. I plan to call ten times per day and always be polite. I will think of different questions to ask each time and would like for others to do the same. Ask questions about coverage, premiums, etc.  Ask them how they can possibly endorse an unconstitutional health care bill? tie up their phone lines. Think of it as ‘reverse phone soliciting’ It is the least we can do.

Written by anniehamilton805

September 1, 2010 at 5:33 am